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Sabtu, 30 Mei 2020
Rabu, 16 Julai 2014
Jumaat, 11 Oktober 2013
eh! Masuk Tv la pulak...Gajah lagi..
Ya Allah. tulah lama benar tak ber belog. ni ha ada la saki baki coretan untuk dilihat.
Hareez Haiqal Pengumpul Gajah . Galeri Nasional . TV1 . 19/4/2013.
tgk tu tarikhnya. ahha lama kan..
takpelah. enjoy this video anyway~- some of the correction : this is my first elephant collection :---------------------------------------->>
- i'm the representative admin from Malaysia in ASEAN Community
- the page already gained almost 100K likers (now 200K)

Lion King : Misconception? (Raja Singa : Sebuah Cerita Salah Faham)
Saya tertarik dengan sebuah artikel yang membincangkan tentang sebuah interpretasi terhadap sesebuah memilih pemimpin yang bijaksana yang di tonjolkan dalam karakter haiwan. Sama- sama kita ikutinya.
Since I was little kid, I have been taught that lions are kings of the jungles. I always wondered why a cruel animal like lion is called king rather being called terrorist of the jungle. And, why the strongest and noble animal like elephant is not called the king.
A king is supposed to care of his people, not to eat them. And lions do nothing but eating them. Usually no one cares of other animals in a animals environment, but in some environments, elephants do protect other smaller animals from animals like lions, tigers etc. It’s other thing that elephants just try to keep their group safe. But indirectly the protect all other smaller animals in the region. And of course, elephants do not harm other peaceful animals. While, lions always act as terrorists/mafias, who are always looking into killing of the few animals. :)
In view of power and strength, elephants have no challenge from any other animal on the land; and a king is supposed to be most powerful. And elephants are most powerful; and not a single lion dares to have any trouble with an elephant. If some one dares, which is very rare, gets himself beyond the life.
The point is, why do we tell our kids that animals who kill others are the supreme animal of the jungle and they are kings. These little things may have very very little impact on the kids, but any bad impact may affect the kids. A kid may get the idea that cruel and murderers are the supreme; mafias are so cool and king like etc etc. :)
Also, character of elephants may be having good effects. Strong but still noble and peaceful; sometimes, protective too. :)
Some people say, it natural that lions are in that way and they cannot help it. But the concept of lion king isn’t nature made, it is human made, so may be we can change it from Lion King to Elephant King. :D
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Ahad, 17 Mac 2013
Very happy dapat Samsung Galaxy Note 2 from Yuna!
Assalamualaikum. Hello.
WOOOOOAAAAA.. what a long time , da lama gila tak blogging.
NI ha, kisahnya. nak cerita . Mcm cerita basi la kan.. tak kut.haha..
beberapa minggu yang lalu, i just recieved a Galaxy Note II From Samsung and Yuna ! watchaaa..
best gila. kat Saloma Bistro. Selepas diumumkan sebagai pemenang diantara 5000 peserta yang menyertai contest ni. Contest apa?
alahai..contest Galaxy Wonderland. The contest is about you must drawing something that can represent Malaysia to the eyes of the world. Really unexpected ! Menang kot. hehe..
Bangga juga dapat berjumpa with Yuna. Gosh , Dia tinggi gila , cantik and slim :)
Before tu here my posing2 before meet Yuna at Saloma Bistro Near MATIC (Malaysia Tourism Centre).
Dibawah ini ialah props original yang digunakan oleh Yuna.
These are some photo me and dia :)
(Dari kiri ke kanan:. Yuna Zarai; Norshalina bt Basar; Zam Zami M. Zain; Hareez Haiqal Shaari;Siow Wei Liang; Yong Kang Yun; Kwon Jae Hoon, Pengarah Urusan, Samsung Malaysia Electronics)
Disamping penyampaian hadiah, Yuna turut merasmikan lagu terbaru nya iaitu 'HOME' yang membawa lirik penuh mendalam dan melepas kerinduan beliau terhadap Malaysia.
Beberapa Keratan / Print Screen dari laman sesawang!
imfo: music video ini dirakam menggunakan SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 2. GITTUW..haha
'Home' Lyrics:
Beam like a rainbow
Proud of who you are
And colours
Why don't you let it show
We are beautiful
Never forget that this belongs to you and I
No matter where we are
We know where we belong
I can feel it inside me
In my bones
I am made out of the things that I love
I am me the most when I'm home
When I'm home
When I'm home
I love all the things we do
We are different
Your roots keep it close to you
Hold it forever
No matter where we are
We know where we belong
I can feel it inside me
In my bones
I am made out of the things that I love
I am me the most when I'm home
When I'm home
When I'm home
I've a feeling inside me
In my bones
I am made out of the things that I love
I am me the most when I'm home
When I'm home
When I'm home
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